Parts to be returned can easily become lost in the shuffle without a tag. Help your staff identify what parts are going where and why.
Size 2-5/8 X 5-1/4″
Black on Orange (1000)
Red on Yellow (1000)
These handy one-piece tags fulfill essential function of
reminding customers to return cores to the yard for credit.
Size 5-1/4 x 3″
Red on White (1000) #5520SOLD Tag*
Size 5-1/4 x 3″
Black on Yellow (1000) #8620- Not Shown
Can’t find the tag that serves your purpose?
Design your own tag, card, or adhesive label. Multiple size and colour combinations. Create the text you want, the language you want, add your company name, personalize it as only your know-how. Prepare a rough sample then e-mail it to sst@primus.ca we’ll get back to you with a price A.S.A.P.
Order line open 7 am to 7 pm to serve you..
All of the above: -
Tyvek tag – long card (1000) #5210
Tyvek tag – short card (1000) #5230
Foil tag – long card (1000) #5280
Foil tag – short card (1000) #5240
Same format as the 5210 except for provision for additional information on mileage, compression readings, and transmission type.Engine Tag – long card (1000) #5601
*Not shown
All Two Piece Tags a.k.a. Warehouse Parts have provision for stock number, part type code, interchange numbers, miscellaneous information, and storage location. All tags are sequence numbered. Stub is fastened to part, while the card is detached and filed in the office. Tyvek or Foil wire attaching stubs are super strong and will resist deterioration when used outside.